Rocky Lane's Black Jack #26 - Steve Ditko art

Rocky Lane's Black Jack v1 #26, 1959 - Steve Ditko drew comparatively few westerns, both two of his stories appear in this issue. In the first, Black Jack (Rocky Lane’s horse) helps an old miner traversing through the vast desert. Using thin lines and graphic shapes, the artwork is stark but appealing. Ditko’s second tale tells of a city dude taught a hard lesson: toughen up or head back east. The drawings are softer and more fluid, but lack clarity. The inclusion of both styles creates a good opportunity for comparison. Other artists in this golden age western comic include Rocco Mastroserio and Sal Trapani. This is 3 of 5 Rocky Lane's Black Jack issues by Ditko.
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"The Phantom Spring" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***
"The Merciless Mesa" Ditko pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Steve Ditko
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Rocky Lane's Black Jack #26 - Steve Ditko art Rocky Lane's Black Jack #26 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

DanMan said...

Impressive cover, but talk about a composition ruined by text.

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