X-men #217 - Walt Simonson cover

Walt Simonson
Uncanny X-men v1 #217, 1987 - Dazzler faces the Juggernaut on this swirling cover design. Walt Simonson's layout elicits excitement and movement through lines alone. However, details are sorely lacking in Bob Wiacek's finishes. While recognizable as Simonson's work, the drawing overall work appears rather rushed. Other artists in this copper age comic include include Jackson Guice and Steve Leialoha. This is 2 of 2 X-men issues by Simonson / Marvel
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Simonson cover pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) = **

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X-men #217 - Walt Simonson cover X-men #217 - Walt Simonson cover  Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:24 AM Rating: 5

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