Shock Suspenstories #7 - Wally Wood art

Shock Suspenstories #7

Shock Suspenstories v1 #7, 1953 - Accepting a bribe from a corrupt club owner, a city inspector later realizes he's responsible for the deaths of hundreds during a fire. Wally Wood's smoldering  typography on the title page matches his superb drawings. He's confined by small panels on most pages, but fills each with stunning detail. His dramatic lighting raises the level of shock and tragedy. Other artists in this golden age comic include George Evans, Jack Kamen and Joe Orlando. Cover by Al Feldstein. This is 6 of 14 Shock Suspenstories issues by Wood.
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"The Bribe" Wood pencils and inks 7 pages = ****

Wally Wood
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Shock Suspenstories #7 - Wally Wood art Shock Suspenstories #7 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:55 AM Rating: 5

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