Dreadstar #17 - Jim Starlin art & cover

Jim Starlin
Dreadstar v1 #17, 1985 - Learning the whereabouts of her abusive father, Willow arrives at his home to exact revenge. Jim Starlin condenses her past to provide further context to the reader. Despite his violently suggestive cover, the artist tells the story with pathos and empathy. As usual, Starlin is conscientious about his pacing and layouts relative to his script. This is 17 of 32 Dreadstar issues by Starlin.
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***
"Revenge" Starlin story pencils (Sam de la Rosa inks) 30 pages = ***

Jim Starlin
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Dreadstar #17 - Jim Starlin art & cover Dreadstar #17 - Jim Starlin art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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