Amazing Spider-man #21 - Steve Ditko art & cover

Steve Ditko
Amazing Spider-man v1 #21, 1965 - Spidey joins the Human Torch in fighting the nefarious Beetle, whose most recognizable traits are his armor-plating and suction-cup gloves. Steve Ditko's layouts are more varied than the previous issue, avoiding repetition. Like his acrobatic cover, his juxtaposition of three characters (rather than two) is more visually interesting. Not surprisingly, there's also a brief skirmish between the two heroes (page 14-15). Ditko clearly revels in the drawing and positioning of multiple figures, especially in sequence. As with previous issues, his consistently eclectic style contributes to the series' success. This story was later reprinted in Giant-size Spider-man #5. This is 21 of 38 Amazing Spider-Man issues by Ditko
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = ***
"Where Flies the Beetle" Ditko story pencils and inks 20 pages = ***
"Spider-man" pin-up Ditko pencils and inks = ***

Steve Ditko
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Amazing Spider-man #21 - Steve Ditko art & cover Amazing Spider-man #21 - Steve Ditko art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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