Alpha Flight #7 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Deadly Earnest

John Byrne
Alpha Flight v1 #7, 1984 - Seeking psychological help for his sister Aurora's split personalities, Northstar crosses path with Deadly Earnest. A gangster who can kill with the slightest touch of his hand, he lives up to his name. John Byrne's cover is less compelling than his interiors, which are drawn with a greater aesthetic. In a back-up tale, the origin of Snowbird is revealed for the first time. Byrne's ethereal depiction of ancient Native American gods (pages 18-19) is simply impressive. This is 7 of 30 Alpha Flight issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance Deadly Earnest
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Byrne cover pencils and inks = **
"The Importance of Being Deadly" Byrne story pencils and inks 15 pages = ***
"Let A Child Be Born" Byrne story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

John Byrne 
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Alpha Flight #7 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Deadly Earnest Alpha Flight #7 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Deadly Earnest Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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