March of Crime v2 #2 - Wally Wood art

March of Crime v2 #2
March of Crime v2 #2, 1950 - Nearly a year after robbing the city bank, the thief returns to the scene of the crime for a final confrontation with the police. The artwork is crudely drawn with scant attention paid to layout and pacing. And yet, Wally Wood's distinctive look comes through, with his penchant for strong facial features and dramatic lighting. Some pages are overrun with dialogue, squeezing out the visuals (epitomized by the chaos on page 5). Despite the faults, Wood's work is early in its development and still rises above the rest of the issue.. Other artists in this issue include A. C. Hollingsworth. This is 2 of 2 March of Crime v2 issues by Wood.
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"Crime in Reverse" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = **

Wally Wood
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March of Crime v2 #2 - Wally Wood art March of Crime v2 #2 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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