Nightmare v3 #6 - Jeff Jones cover

Jeff Jones bronze age 1970s horror cover art painting - Nightmare v3 #6
Jeff Jones
Nightmare v3 #6, 1973 - Astride a winged iguana, a warrior woman basks in the air of an impending storm. Jeff Jones adds the crackle of electricity behind her to heighten the effect. In the far distance, he sets another reptile is against the full moon, deepening the picture plane. Like his other paintings, this cover benefits from his rich, complex color palette. Other artists in this issue include Mike Kaluta and Ernie Colon. This is 1 of 1 Nightmare v3 issues by Jones. /// Jones gallery
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Jones cover painting = ***

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Nightmare v3 #6 - Jeff Jones cover Nightmare v3 #6 - Jeff Jones cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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