All-Star Western #58 - non-attributed Alex Toth art + 1st Trigger Twins, Strong Bow

All Star Western #58
All-Star Western v1 #58, 1951 - Formerly All-Star Comics, the series becomes a western comic, featuring the first appearances of Strong Bow and the Trigger Twins in separate tales. Alex Toth begins his stint on the Roving Ranger, a lawman that travels where needed. A small town called Rapid River votes to become part of a larger county, but a band of vigilantes has other plans. Toth begins with a terrific opening splash, but subsequent pages are hampered by the poor inking job. The artist also omits too many details and relies too heavily on silhouetted figures. Other artists in this golden age western comic include Carmine Infantino. This is 1 of 6 All-Star Western issues by Toth. /// key first appearance Strong Bow, Trigger Twins, Roving Ranger
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"Gunlords of the Panhandle" Toth story pencils (Bernard Sachs inks) 8 pages = **

Alex Toth
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All-Star Western #58 - non-attributed Alex Toth art + 1st Trigger Twins, Strong Bow All-Star Western #58 - non-attributed Alex Toth art + 1st Trigger Twins, Strong Bow Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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