Archer & Armstrong #8 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Barry Windsor Smith
Archer & Armstrong v1 #8, 1993Armstrong recalls a story from his past, when he served as a musketeer in 17th century France. Twice the number of pages, this issue also doubles as Eternal Warrior #8 when flipped to the back. Barry Smith's wrap-around cover is as splendid as his interiors. The story is well laid out and paced, which is impressive given its lengthiness. Finishing off the issue are pin-ups of the title characters in other timelines, drawn by Alan Weiss, Paul Gulacy and Tom Mandrake. This is 9 of 12 Archer & Armstrong issues by Smith.
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Musketeers" Smith story pencils (Bob Wiacek) 35 pages = ***

Barry Windsor Smith
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Archer & Armstrong #8 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Archer & Armstrong #8 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:10 AM Rating: 5

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