Eerie v3 #66 - Bernie Wrightson art

Eerie v3 #66
Eerie v3 #66, 1975 - Turning from horror to sword and sorcery, this edition showcases the exploits of the hero El Cid. Consistent with the theme, Bernie Wrightson depicts his own version of the sword-wielding Spaniard (see interior page above). Skeletons attack and decapitated skulls fly against a powder blue background. Cousin Eerie's dialogue is perhaps too wordy and nominally gets in the way. Wrightson's meticulous drawing contrasts in style with the main feature, easily besting Gonzalo Mayo's artwork. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Gonzalo Mayo. Cover by Sanjulian. This is 9 of 14 Eerie issues by Wrightson.
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Wrightson inside front cover pencils and inks (duotone) = ***

Bernie Wrightson
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Eerie v3 #66 - Bernie Wrightson art Eerie v3 #66 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

DanMan said...

Cover painting by Manuel Sanjulian. Frazetta-ish

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