Batman #372 - Don Newton art

Batman #372
Batman v1 #372, 1984 - Taking the focus away from Batman, the story instead emphasizes an upcoming bout between two boxers and the role that race and greed play in the boxing industry. Don Newton's pencils are mostly overwhelmed by inker Alfredo Alcala. With the exception of pages 13-14 (see interior page below), Newton's hand is nearly unrecognizable. This story was later reprinted in Best of DC #62. This copper age comic includes cover art by Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano. This is 27 of 32 Batman issues by Newton. /// original page
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"What Price, the Prize?" Newton story pencils (Alfredo Alcala inks) 23 pages = **

Don Newton
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Batman #372 - Don Newton art Batman #372 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:31 PM Rating: 5

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