Punch and Judy Comics v2 #11 - Jack Kirby art

 Punch and Judy Comics v2 #11
Punch and Judy Comics v2 #11, 1947 - One of the secondary features, Lockjaw the Alligator becomes a celebrity due to his stunningly bright white numerous teeth. Jack Kirby and Joe Simon pair up to deliver one of several anthropomorphic animal stories. Slightly less defined and detailed and their other works, the art is surprisingly engaging. The same goes for "Earl the Rich Rabbit", although less polished and recognizable. Other artists in this issue include Orestes Calpini. This is 2 of 5 Punch and Judy Comics issues by Kirby.
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"Lockjaw the Alligator" Kirby story pencils (Joe Simon inks) 6 pages = ***
"Earl the Rich Rabbit" Kirby story pencils (Joe Simon inks) 5 pages = **

Jack Kirby
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Punch and Judy Comics v2 #11 - Jack Kirby art  Punch and Judy Comics v2 #11 - Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:04 AM Rating: 5

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