Weird War Tales #89 - Jim Starlin cover

Jim Starlin
Weird War Tales v1 #89, 1980 - Nazi gorillas on the rampage? Jim Starlin renders these beasts as few others can. Armed, active and teeth bared, this menacing platoon draw closer and closer toward the viewer. Their size and mass even dwarfs their own weapons. Dominating the background, a huge swastika flag fills the space behind the masthead. Other artists in this copper age comic include Romeo Tanghal, Ken Landgraf, Dave Simons, Ric Estrada and Ruben Yandoc. This is 1 of 1 Weird War Tales issues by Starlin.
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***

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Weird War Tales #89 - Jim Starlin cover Weird War Tales #89 - Jim Starlin cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:00 AM Rating: 5

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