Adventure Comics #459 - Don Newton art

Adventure Comics #459
Adventure Comics v1 #459, 1979 - With the cancellation of their own series, the New Gods continue their war against Darkseid in this long running series. Don Newton continues as artist, portraying Jack Kirby's characters in a softer light. With two splashes and two full page spreads, the drawings exude movement and action. Some pages have more clarity than others, due to Augie Scotto's inconsistent inks. Page 13's dramatic confrontation between Orion and Darkseid is especially falls potent with its minimal dialogue. This story was later reprinted in New Gods by Gerry Conway. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Jim Aparo, Irv Novick, Jim Staton, Jack Abel and Bruce Patterson. This is 1 of 8 Adventure Comics issues by Newton.
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”Climax to Chaos" Newton story pencils (Augie Scotto inks) 15 pages = ****

Don Newton
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Adventure Comics #459 - Don Newton art Adventure Comics #459 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:36 AM Rating: 5

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