Batman #357 - Don Newton art

Batman #357
Batman v1 #357, 1983 - With Tony Falco in jail, a new crime boss arrives in Gotham. Calling himself the Squid, he and his newly acquired thugs take on the Batman. Always a fine illustrator, Don Newton shows great skill in both layout and sequencing in this story. More than once, his style emerges through Alfredo Alcala's dominant inks. Among his better pages are the Batman's sudden arrival in Gordon's office (page 5) and his fight against overwhelming odds (page 22). Cover by Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano. This is 14 of 32 Batman issues by Newton.
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"Squid” Newton story pencils (Alfredo Alcala inks) 23 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Batman #357 - Don Newton art Batman #357 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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