John Wayne Adventure Comics #7 - Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta art

John Wayne Adventure Comics #7

John Wayne Adventure Comics v1 #7, 1951 - Searching for a hidden document, a gang of criminals decide to hunt down John Wayne's pal Bonanza. Like previous issues, Al Williamson and Frank Frazetta join forces to create a contemporary and distinctive style. "An Invitation to Murder" is their finest work on the series, combining Williamson's dynamic figure drawing with Frazetta's sensitive finishes. A handful of panels are overworked, but are offset by especially fine drawings of the main characters (see interior page below). This is 5 of 6 John Wayne Adventure issues by Frazetta and 5 of 6 John Wayne Adventure issues by Williamson.
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"An Invitation to Murder" Williamson story pencils / Frazetta inks 10 pages = ***

John Wayne Adventure Comics #7 golden age 1950s western comic book page art by Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta
Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta
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John Wayne Adventure Comics #7 - Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta art John Wayne Adventure Comics #7 - Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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