Buster Crabbe v2 #3 - Alex Toth art

Buster Crabbe v2 #3
(The Amazing Adventures of) Buster Crabbe v2 #3, 1954 - In the issue's only science fiction tale, Buster Crabbe is kidnapped by invisible aliens. He's subsequently transported to the planet Callista, where he's forced to fight in a chessboard arena. Despite the inane plot, Alex Toth illustrates the tale with great skill. Page layouts are conscientiously designed. His patchwork of panels work closely together to form a cohesive whole. Toth's pencils also benefit from Mike Peppe's polished inks, particularly the characters' faces. Other artists in this issue include Mort Leav and Pete Morisi. This is 1 of 2 Buster Crabbe issues by Toth.
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"Invisible Monsters of Callisto" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 9 pages = *** 

Alex Toth
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Buster Crabbe v2 #3 - Alex Toth art Buster Crabbe v2 #3 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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