Danger Trail #1 - Alex Toth art + 1st issue

Danger Trail #1
Danger Trail v1 #1, 1950 - Coerced by criminals, a female journalist must shoot a Treasury agent in order to save her own life. Alex Toth displays his keen sense of design in nearly every panel. Each scene is distilled to convey just enough information for the reader to follow. Many panels are heavy with dialogue, making it all the more challenging. Most impressive is the opening panel and its sharp perspective of a Parisian train leaving the station. This issue also includes artwork by Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella. Cover by Infantino. This is 1 of 5 Danger Trail issues by Toth. /// key 1st issue 
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"Appointment In Paris" Toth story pencils 8 pages = ***

Alex Toth

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Danger Trail #1 - Alex Toth art + 1st issue Danger Trail #1 - Alex Toth art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:00 AM Rating: 5

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