Batman #360 - Don Newton art

Batman #360
Batman v1 #360, 1983 - With a cop-killer on the loose, the Batman catch the perpetrator before he reaches Commissioner Gordon. Sharply drawn and well-paced, the artwork by Don Newton retains the feel of detective film noir. Two different inkers contribute, but Pablo Marcos' efforts are darker and more dramatic (see interior page below) than Ron Randall's. Kudos also got to Newton for his varied and interesting layouts. Other artists in this copper age comic include Ed Hannigan and Dick Giordano. This is 15 of 32 Batman issues by Newton.
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"When Slays the Savage Skull” Newton story pencils (Pablo Marcos, Ron Randall inks) 23 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Batman #360 - Don Newton art Batman #360 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:42 PM Rating: 5

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