Space War #5 - Steve Ditko art & cover

Space War #5
Space War v1 #5, 1960 - A Venusian scientist theorizes that there is intelligent life on Earth, prompting his colleagues to send him there in an experimental rocket. Steve Ditko's panel designs are generally simple and straightforward. The opening scene may even be too minimal. However, many of the facial close-ups are quite impressive in their detail.The artist proves himself more than adept in this genre (science fiction). Ditko’s partial cover art is borrowed from one of his interior panels. Other artists in this silver age science fiction comic include Bill Molno and Vince Alascia. This is 2 of 5 Space War issues by Ditko.
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"Exiled To Earth" Ditko story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Steve Ditko
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Space War #5 - Steve Ditko art & cover Space War #5 - Steve Ditko art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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