Beyond the Grave #6 - Steve Ditko cover

Steve Ditko
Beyond the Grave v1 #6, 1976 - While demon-masked revelers party on, something strange erupts from the graveyard behind them. Steve Ditko places two stones on both sides of the darkened face, suggesting perhaps a real demon or devil. While the far background seems haphazardly designed, the faces in the foreground are more skillfully executed. Other artists in this bronze age horror comic include Rich Larson, Tim Boxell, Charles Nichols and Bob Layton. This is 6 of 6 Beyond the Grave issues by Ditko.
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = ***

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Beyond the Grave #6 - Steve Ditko cover Beyond the Grave #6 - Steve Ditko cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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