Ghostly Tales #55 - Steve Ditko art + 1st issue

Ghostly Tales #55
Ghostly Tales v1 #55, 1966 - Fumbling through the ancient catacombs of Rome, a journalist seeks the undiscovered tombs of the great caesars. Interestingly, Steve Ditko typically inks his own pencils but in this case Rocky Mastroserio provides the finishing touches. Drawings are more detailed and textural than usual. More pages than not are recognizably Ditko (see interior page below). While a fascinating example of melding two different styles, overall the artwork struggles to find common ground. This Ditko tale was later reprinted in Ghostly Tales #145. This issue also includes artwork by Jim Aparo. Cover by Aparo. This is 1 of 61 Ghostly Tales issues by Ditko. /// key 1st issue 
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''Great Caesar's Ghost'' Ditko story pencils (Rocky Mastroserio inks) 7 pages = **

Steve Ditko
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Ghostly Tales #55 - Steve Ditko art + 1st issue Ghostly Tales #55 - Steve Ditko art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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