Eclipse the Magazine #2 - Marshall Rogers art + 1st Coyote

Eclipse the Magazine #2
Eclipse the Magazine v1 #2, 1981 - Two men dig up a package in the Nevada desert, only to be attacked by a ferocious half-man, half-animal. Created by writer Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers, the Coyote makes his first appearance. Within the first few pages, an explosive two-page spread sets the frenetic pace of the rest of the tale. As the setting moves from remote desert to glitzy Las Vegas, Rogers' superbly employs multiple screens and gradients for increased depth. This story was later reprinted in the graphic novel I Am Coyote. Other artists in this copper age comic include Michael Golden, Steve Leialoha, Billy Graham, Trina Robbins and Val Mayerick. This is 2 of 8 Eclipse the Magazine issues by Rogers.
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"Coyote (chapter 1)" Rogers story pencils and inks 11 pages (black and white) = ****

Marshall Rogers
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Eclipse the Magazine #2 - Marshall Rogers art + 1st Coyote Eclipse the Magazine #2 - Marshall Rogers art + 1st Coyote Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:17 PM Rating: 5

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