Shock Suspenstories #14 - Wally Wood art & cover

Wally Wood

Shock Suspenstories v1 #14, 1954 - A Hispanic family moves into a neighborhood, attracting fear and hate among some of the residents. When a white teenage girl begins dating the new boy, her angry father stirs up a mob that commits an atrocious act. Set in a typical American suburb, Wally Wood opens the tale on a quiet, tree-lined street, beautifully detailed. This purposely contrasts against the faces of extreme hatred and bigotry that permeates the remaining pages. Wood's cover is even more intense, depicting the precise moment of an assassination. Masterfully drawn, the artist uses bullet holes to lead the eye from the victim to the shooter reflected in the mirror. Other artists in this golden age comic include George Evans, Jack Kamen and Bernard Krigstein. This is 13 of 14 Shock Suspenstories issues by Wood.
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Wood cover pencils and inks = *****
"The Whipping" Wood pencils and inks 7 pages = ****

Wally Wood

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Shock Suspenstories #14 - Wally Wood art & cover Shock Suspenstories #14 - Wally Wood art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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