Avengers #166 - John Byrne art

Avengers #166
Avengers v1 #166, 1977 - Two of the team's mightiest members, Thor and the Vision, enter the fray as the Avengers battle a newly improved Count Nefaria. Unlike his previous issues, John Byrne's pencils are overwhelmed by Pablo Marcos' inking. There are semblances of his work in far too few panels. Additionally, Byrne's layouts (including the first page) are less dynamic and engaging than usual. Cover by George Perez and Ernie Chua. This is 3 of 17 Avengers issues with Byrne. /// Byrne gallery
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"Day of the Godslayer" Byrne story pencils (Pablo Marcos inks) 17 pages = **

Avengers #166 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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Avengers #166 - John Byrne art Avengers #166 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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