Marvel Tales #144 - Al Williamson art

Marvel Tales #144
Marvel Tales v1 #144, 1956 - On a fishing trip in the remote wilderness, two men happen upon a magnificent gleaming city with no inhabitants. Al Williamson and Roy Krenkel create a memorable fantasy setting. Marble columns, tapestries and other decorative elements fill the panels with opulence and wonder. Although loosely drawn, the architectural vista on the first page is a breathtaking opener to an all-too-brief story. Other artists in this golden age comic include Carl Burgos, Joe Sinnott, John Forte, Mac Pakula, Bill Benulis, Bob Forgione and Jack Abel. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Tales issues by Williamson.
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"The City That Times Forgot" Williamson story pencils (Roy Krenkel inks) 3 pages = ***

 Al Williamson
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Marvel Tales #144 - Al Williamson art Marvel Tales #144 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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