Action Comics #425 - Neal Adams art

Action Comics #425
Action Comics v1 #425, 1973 - In this issue's back-up tale, Christopher Chance lives up to his name (the Human Target) by putting himself in harm's way. Neal Adams' pencils are just adequate, slightly enhanced by creative sequencing and layouts (see interior page below). Dick Giordano's inks tend to dominate, but not to the detriment of the overall artwork. This is Adams' only story art of the entire series and his only rendition of the Human Target. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Dick Dillin and Curt Swan. Cover by Nick Cardy. This is 26 of 31 Action Comics issues by Adams.
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"The Short-Walk-to-Disaster Contract" Adams story pencils (Dick Giordano inks) 6 pages = ***
Neal Adams
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Action Comics #425 - Neal Adams art Action Comics #425 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:34 AM Rating: 5

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