Heroic Comics #69 - Frank Frazetta art

Heroic Comics #69
Heroic Comics v1 #69, 1951 - During the Korean War, Corporal Gordon M. Craig sacrifices his life to save his fellow soldiers. Frank Frazetta's first of two tales is sloppily drawn. Some panels border on cartoonish, despite its sobering theme. His second story recalls a Memorial Day boating accident involving four men. The artwork in this case is more carefully considered. Faces and figures are drawn with sensitivity. Frazetta's talent is fairly evident, despite some lack of detail in the backgrounds. This is 4 of 15 Heroic Comics issues by Frazetta. /// Frazetta gallery / original page
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"Beyond the Call of Duty" Frazetta story pencils and inks 3 pages = **
"Memorable Memorial Day" Frazetta story pencils and inks 3 pages = ***

Heroic Comics #69 golden age 1950s war comic book page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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Heroic Comics #69 - Frank Frazetta art Heroic Comics #69 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:26 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Jack Davis did war stories contrasting a cartoonish style with grim circumstances. That splash panel seems very Davis-like. I think Frazetta was going for similar effect- we know he could draw more realistically when he wanted to.

Ted F said...

I suppose that's possible, but it sure pales compared to the bulk of his work on the Heroic series. Even his funny animal issues from the same period seem more artfully done.

Anonymous said...

I expect Frank hacked out that particular story. It is acceptable cartooning, but not something he put heart and soul into. Even the best sometimes have to crank something out to meet a deadline.

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