Avengers #107 - Jim Starlin art

Avengers #107

Avengers v1 #107, 1973
- The Grim Reaper offers the android Vision the chance of gaining back his humanity. Sharing penciling chores with veteran George Tuska, a young Jim Starlin draws the first three and last seven pages. Dave Cockrum inks the entire issue in an attempt to forge consistency. By comparison, Starlin's work is more thoughtfully designed. Faces and figures are more concise and placed more deliberately within the panels. Though less experienced, Starlin's only Avengers story is a memorable one. Cover by Rich Buckler. This is 1 of 3 Avengers issues by Starlin. /// Starlin gallery
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"Master Plan of the Space Phantom" Starlin story pencils (Dave Cockrum inks) 10 pages = ***

Jim Starlin
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Avengers #107 - Jim Starlin art Avengers #107 - Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:53 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

mrcrenshawfan said...

This is listed in your checklist as a Starlin cover, but it's signed "R. Buckler"...

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