X-men #56 - Neal Adams art & cover + 1st Living Monolith

X-men #56 cover art by Neal Adams / silver age 1960s marvel comic book / Living Monolith
Neal Adams
X-men v1 #56, 1969 - Cyclops discovers a long lost brother, just as his super-villain foe transforms into the towering Living MonolithNeal Adams takes over Marvel's worst selling title at time, breathing new life into the series. His cover emphasizes scale while incorporating the masthead / trade dress into the scene. His opening splash is breathtaking, showing the X-men's arrival at ancient Egyptian ruins. Unconventional layouts and skewed panels propel the story at a dynamic pace. Above all, Adams' phenomenal drawing skills come to the fore on nearly every page. This issue also includes artwork by Werner Roth and Sam Grainger. This is 1 of 9 X-men issues by Adams. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Living Monolith / Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"What Is The Power?" Adams story pencils and inks 15 pages = ****

X-men # page art by Neal Adams / silver age 1960s marvel comic book / Angel Cyclops Jean Grey
Neal Adams
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X-men #56 - Neal Adams art & cover + 1st Living Monolith X-men #56 - Neal Adams art & cover + 1st Living Monolith Reviewed by Ted F on 8:44 AM Rating: 5

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