Adventures Into The Unknown #168 - Steve Ditko art

Adventures Into The Unknown #168
Adventures Into The Unknown v1 #168, 1966 - During the days of the old west, a dead man's cane returns to seek justice. As silly as it sounds, Steve Ditko barely makes his presence known in the artwork. In addition to the poor layouts (eight panels alone on the opening page), Sal Trapani's inking tends to dominate and suppress the pencils. Other artists in this silver age comic include Paul Reinman and Chic Stone. Cover by Kurt Schaffenberger. This is 1 of 1 Adventures Into The Unknown issues by Ditko.
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"The Haunted Cane" Ditko pencils (Sal Trapani inks) 5 pages = *

Steve Ditko
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Adventures Into The Unknown #168 - Steve Ditko art Adventures Into The Unknown #168 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:41 PM Rating: 5
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