The Phantom v2 #25 - Jeff Jones art

The Phantom v2 #25, 1967 - A young Jeff Jones contributes a short story following the main features. Historical in nature, it chronicles the battle of Fort Sumter and the beginnings of the American Civil War. One of the earliest works in his career, Jones' drawings are generally sloppy and the layouts poorly planned. A majority of backgrounds are devoid of detail, suggesting a lack of effort or at the least, inexperience. The only saving grace is his surprisingly competent depiction of President Abraham Lincoln. The Overstreet guide credits Al Williamson for a single page ad, but it's only a reproduction of his Flash Gordon record cover. The lack of color and sharply reduced size make it hardly worth mentioning. This is 1 of 1 Phantom issues by Jones.
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"Fort Sumter - Where Burst the Flames of War" Jones story pencils and inks 6 pages = *

The Phantom v2 #25 charlton comic book page art by Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones
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The Phantom v2 #25 - Jeff Jones art The Phantom v2 #25 - Jeff Jones art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:39 PM Rating: 5

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