Thrilling Comics #70 - Frank Frazetta art

Thrilling Comics v1 #70, 1948 - Less focused on the rural settings in previous issues, Frank Frazetta's Loouie Lazybones tale focuses more on the main recurring characters. Despite the negative hillbilly stereotypes, the artwork is still engaging and aesthetically pleasing. I notice that page 5 panel 7 omits the typical lined frame, suggesting a space beyond the confines of the scene. Frazetta continues his push beyond the limits of the genre. Other artists in this golden age comic include George Tuska and Art Saaf. Cover by Alex Schomburg. This is 5 of 8 Thrilling Comics issues by Frazetta.
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"Holiday in Hogbite Holler" Frazetta story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Thrilling Comics #70 golden age 1940s comic book page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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Thrilling Comics #70 - Frank Frazetta art Thrilling Comics #70 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:57 AM Rating: 5

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