Fury of Firestorm #31 - non-attributed Alex Nino art

Fury of Firestorm #31
Fury of Firestorm v1 #31, 1984 - The only collaboration between George Tuska and Alex Nino (that I'm aware of) is fraught with stylistic incompatibilities. Nino's hand is most evident on the large panel on page three (see interior page shown below). The textural quality of his inks nicely enhance an underground scene. Otherwise, the artist adds little improvement over Tuska's domineering pencils. Other artists in this copper age comic include cover creators Rafael Kayanan and Pat Broderick. This is 1 of 2 Fury of Firestorm issues by Nino.
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"A Mind of Her Own" Nino story inks (George Tuska pencils) 23 pages = *

Alex Nino
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Fury of Firestorm #31 - non-attributed Alex Nino art Fury of Firestorm #31 - non-attributed Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:30 PM Rating: 5


Smurfswacker said...

I'm confused about why you call this "non-attributed." I don't have the issue in question...were there no credits on the story? Both Tuska and Nino are identified on the cover. Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by "non-attributed"?

Anyway, I greatly enjoy your posts pointing out nice art jobs, many of which I missed.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

I try to use "mis-credited" and "non-credited" to refer to the names printed in the issue, whether on the cover or within the story. "Non-attributed" and "mis-attributed" refer directly to inaccuracies in comic guides, primarily the widely accepted Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide.

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