Man-Bat #1 - Steve Ditko art + 1st issue

Man-Bat v1 #1 dc comic book cover art by Jim Aparo
Man-Bat #1
Man-Bat v1 #1, 1975 - After debuting in Detective Comics #400 and subsequent appearances, Man-Bat gets his own self-titled series. In this first issue, the Batman makes a guest appearance in an obvious attempt to draw in more readers. An evil sorcerer concocts a sinister plan in the interior story, giving Steve Ditko a chance to draw graphically interesting occult scenes. Not surprisingly, they are not dissimilar to his early Doctor Strange works. Overall the artist struggles to depict Man-Bat's beastly appearance without looking too cartoonish. Likewise, his rendition of Batman is just passable and may be his only rendition of the hero (?). This issue also includes cover art by Jim Aparo. This is 1 of 1 Man-Bat issues by Ditko. /// key 1st issue
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"Beware the Eyes of Baron Tyme" Ditko story pencils (Al Milgrom inks) 18 pages = **

Man-Bat v1 #1 dc 1970s batman comic book page art by Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko

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Man-Bat #1 - Steve Ditko art + 1st issue Man-Bat #1 - Steve Ditko art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 9:52 AM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

very good.
Is it possible to have the whole issue ?

Ted F said...

As a said in a recent post, I plan on putting up complete stories on certain issues, but only ones in the public domain. Sorry.

Bat-fan said...

Just recieved a copy of this issue. I certainly recommend it to any Ditko or Batman fans out there. Ditko's pictoral drama is at some of it's best here and his Batman is constantly in the shadow (the only time we see his chin is when he's plummeting towards the earth). I think Ditko may have considered Batman a character that wouldn't want to be seen (and the only time we do see him is when he's not in control of the situation). A great find!

Unknown said...

Thats a Jim Aparo cover.

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