Haunted #6 - Steve Ditko cover

Steve Ditko
Haunted v1 #6, 1972 - Darkly lit and heavily textured, Steve Ditko's cover features a man's obsession over a trunk-like funerary urn. Note its fine decorative details and its contrast with the figure's heavily defined shadows. The background seems almost overworked with its abundant cross-hatching. Although it displays no lack of effort, Ditko's cover is less interesting and less compelling than usual (feel free to disagree in the comments section). Other artists in this bronze age horror comic include Nicholas Alcasia and Wayne Howard. This is 6 of 23 Haunted issues by Ditko.
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = **

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Haunted #6 - Steve Ditko cover Haunted #6 - Steve Ditko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:51 PM Rating: 5

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