Young Love v3 #74 - non-attributed Alex Toth art

Young Love v3 #74
Young Love v3 #74, 1969 - A selfish young woman makes a habit of stealing men away from her girlfriend, until the tables finally turn on her. This terrific Alex Toth story has plenty of dialogue (like many romance comics) but his visuals are carefully considered and ably designed. His first few pages are stronger than the rest, especially the opening page. The focal point is close-up of an invitation to an engagement party, and Toth places the story title on the card itself. It is partially obscured by the envelope, brilliantly playing off the word "hide". On another note, some comic guides have failed to attribute this story to Toth. Other artists in this silver age comic include Vince Colletta. Nick Cardy is this issue's cover artist. This is 2 of 4 Young Love issues by Toth.
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"Hide Your Love" Toth story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Alex Toth
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Young Love v3 #74 - non-attributed Alex Toth art Young Love v3 #74 - non-attributed Alex Toth art    Reviewed by Ted F on 6:54 PM Rating: 5

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