Gene Autry and Champion #118 - Russ Manning art

Gene Autry and Champion #118
Gene Autry and Champion v1 #118, 1958 - A novice deputy gets his chance to bring in a dangerous outlaw, and his friends shadow him to ensure nothing goes wrong. At only four pages, this is one of the shortest Russ Manning western tales I’ve seen. Regardless, his efforts are more than capable. The layouts have a clear, concise design and the panel sequences are comfortably paced. In general, Manning's drawings are comparable to his numerous other cowboy comics from the same era. This is 1 of 1 Gene Autry and Champion issues by Manning.
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"Mistaken Identity" Manning story inks 4 pages = ***

Gene Autry and Champion v1 #118 dell western comic book page art by Russ Manning
Russ Manning
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Gene Autry and Champion #118 - Russ Manning art Gene Autry and Champion #118 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:07 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

Champion had his own book in the early fifties, for about 20 issues, with nice painted cover art.

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