DC Comics Presents #87 - Al Williamson art

DC Comics Presents #87
DC Comics Presents v1 #87, 1985 - As aliens invade Earth for its nuclear resources, Superman enlists the aid of Superboy-prime to help stop them. Curt Swan, a longtime Superman artist, delivers a typically conservative rendition of the story. Al Williamson does his best to add interest and dimension but falls just short. His improvements to both stories are marginal, overwhelmed by the timidity of the pencils. This is 3 of 3 DC Comics Presents issues by Williamson.
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"Year of the Comet" Williamson story inks (Curt Swan pencils) 24 pages = **
"The Origin of Superboy Prime" Williamson story inks (Curt Swan pencils) 16 pages = **

 Al Williamson
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DC Comics Presents #87 - Al Williamson art DC Comics Presents #87 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:28 PM Rating: 5

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