Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #5 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover

Bernie Wrightson
Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time v1 #5, 1993 - As this issue marks the end of the limited series, the artwork seems to run out of steam at the same time. Bernie Wrightson's layouts are paced more erratically and even his four two-page spreads lack the excitement of previous issues. Pages 29-30 are especially disappointing in their lack of effort. This is 5 of 5 Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time issues by Wrightson.
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Wrightson cover pencils and inks = ***
Wrightson story pencils (Shepherd Hendrix inks) 48 pages = **

Bernie Wrightson
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Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #5 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover Captain Sternn, Running Out of Time #5 - Bernie Wrightson art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:01 PM Rating: 5

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