Incredible Science Fiction #31 - Wally Wood art

Incredible Science Fiction v1 #31 ec comic book cover art by Jack Davis
Incredible Science Fiction #31
Incredible Science Fiction v1 #31, 1955Wally Wood contributes two stories in this edition, both superbly drawn. The first tells of a disembodied brain sent on a mission to Mars and the second features an aging space pilot. The artist's beautifully complex machinery appears throughout "Has-Been", reflecting the sophistication of the writing. Both stories were later reprinted in >Incredible Science Fiction v3 #9. In addition to Wood's superlative efforts, Roy Krenkel draws his only solo story for EC. Other artists in this golden age comic include Roy Krenkel and Bernard Krigstein. Cover by Jack Davis. This is 2 of 3 Incredible Science Fiction issues by Wood.
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"You, Rocket" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***
"Has-Been" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = ****

Wally Wood
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Incredible Science Fiction #31 - Wally Wood art Incredible Science Fiction #31 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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