Amazing Adventures v3 #18 - Neal Adams art + 1st Killraven

Amazing Adventures v3 #18
Amazing Adventures v3 #18 featuring War of the Worlds, 1973 - Based on the H.G. Wells novel of the same name, Marvel pushes the concept further with the return of martians to the present day. Killraven, a post-apocalyptic hero, makes his first appearance. Neal Adams returns to the title, illustrating his first adventure. A ferocious battle rages underground on the opening splash. A few pages later, the action contrasts against a more poignant scene of a dying man's last moments (see interior page below). Unfortunately, Adams' contribution ends on page 11. This issue also includes artwork by a young Howard Chaykin, whose primitive style suffers by comparison. This is 5 of 5 Amazing Adventures v3 issues by Adams. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Killraven 
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"The War of the Worlds" Adams partial story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte inks) 11 pages = ***

Neal Adams
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Amazing Adventures v3 #18 - Neal Adams art + 1st Killraven Amazing Adventures v3 #18 - Neal Adams art + 1st Killraven Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Dave Ryan said...

Hey, give Chaykin a break, when he drew this story he's been a pro in comics for less than a year, and no doubt to make up for lost time since Adams was very late on the book and it was taken from him to be finished by Chaykin.

Chaykin went on to do some nice work in WEIRD WORLDS 8-10 on his own series, some nice Solomon Kane and Red Sonja stories in the black&white magazines like SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN, and the short-lived CONAN AND THE BARBARIANS, and a few issues of MARVEL PREMIERE.

My favorite works by Chaykin are his painted art and covers, in EPIC ILLUSTRATED 2, the SWORDS OF HEAVEN FLOWERS OF HELL graphic novel (from Heavy Metal), THE STARS MY DESTINATION (published by Byron Preiss), and his Dominic Fortune backups un HULK 21-25, and MARVEL PREVIEW magazine 20.

The Killraven series in AMAZING ADVENTURES 18-39 is an outstanding and vastly under-rated series. Especially the McGregor/Russell issues in 27-39. Intelligent and funny, with beautiful prose, the best writing in comics, this side3 of Alan Moore.
This and Starlin's WARLOCK and CAPTAIN MARVEL runs are representative of the very best of mid-70's Marvel.

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