Giant-size Dracula #5 - John Byrne art

Giant-Size Dracula #5
Giant-size Dracula v1 #5, 1975 - Like many giant-size annuals of the 1970s, this issue uses both new and older material. In addition to the main Dracula feature is John Byrne's very first effort for Marvel: a stand-alone tale about a man trapped within his own nightmare. The opening splash is visually arresting, depicting an attack by a demonic hound. Despite some interesting layouts that follow, Rudy Nebres' heavy-handed inks bury Byrne's pencils beyond recognition (see interior page below). Other artists in this bronze age comic include Virgilo Redondo and Dan Adkins. Cover by Gil Kane and Tom Palmer. This is 1 of 1 Giant-size Dracula issues by Byrne.
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"Dark Asylum" Byrne story pencils (Rudy Nebres inks) 8 pages = *

John Byrne
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Giant-size Dracula #5 - John Byrne art Giant-size Dracula #5 - John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted F on 6:28 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Very nice Gil Kane/Tom Palmer cover. It's too bad Marvel was caption/word baloon crazy at the time. This cover needs no copy.

Nick Caputo

Ted F said...

I completely agree.

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