Battlestar Galactica #4 - Walt Simonson art & cover

Walt Simonson
Battlestar Galactica v1 #4, 1979 - Marvel procures the rights to do a Battlestar Galactica comic book, based on the science fiction tv show of the same name. In this issue, a virus from a Cylon outpost threatens to wipe out the entire crew. Walt Simonson lends his talents to this adaptation, but his pencils are largely overwhelmed by the inker. His layouts are fairly standard, lacking his usual innovative approach. Simonson finally asserts himself on the final two pages. This is 1 of 14 Battlestar Galactica issues by Simonson. /// Simonson gallery
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Simonson cover pencils (Klaus Janson inks) = **
"The Lost Gods of Kobol" Simonson story pencils (Klaus Janson inks) 17 pages = **

Walt Simonson
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Battlestar Galactica #4 - Walt Simonson art & cover Battlestar Galactica #4 - Walt Simonson art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:09 PM Rating: 5

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