Donald Duck #51 - Cark Barks art

Donald Duck #51
Walt Disney's Donald Duck v1 #51, 1957Carl Barks contributes a mere half of a page in this issue. Donald tries in vain to sell Uncle Scrooge a new hat. Though the shortest work in the book, it easily outshines them all. Aside from the main Donald Duck story (not by Barks), other features include Goofy and Big Bad Wolf. Other artists in this golden age comic include Tony Strobl. Cover by Paul Murry. This is 34 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks.
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"Donald Duck" Barks pencils and inks 1/2 page = ***

Carl Barks
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Donald Duck #51 - Cark Barks art Donald Duck #51 - Cark Barks art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:45 PM Rating: 5

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