Battle #65 - Jack Kirby art & cover

Jack Kirby silver age 1950s atlas war comic book cover - Battle #65
Jack Kirby
Battle v1 #65, 1959 - The evolution of missile technology is competently told by Jack Kirby, whose mechanical drawings seems perfectly suited. The artist's second tale sets its sights on the Hungarian freedom fighters of WWII. The artistic high point is the opening splash, showing a dramatic perspective view of the rebels fighting Nazis from the rooftops. Although unrelated to either story, Kirby's cover captures the heroic actions inside. Other artists in this golden age comic include Joe Sinnott and Marvin Stein. This is 2 of 7 Battle issues by Kirby
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Kirby cover pencils (Christopher Rule inks) = ***
"Find em, Chase em, Blast em" Kirby story pencils (Christopher Rule inks) 5 pages = ***
"Ring of Steel" Kirby story pencils (Christopher Rule inks) 5 pages = ***

Jack Kirby silver age 1950s atlas war comic book page - Battle #65
Jack Kirby
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Battle #65 - Jack Kirby art & cover Battle #65 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 9:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is another story inked by Christopher Rule. Kirby may have written this story as well (It certainly sounds like a Kirby title!)

Nick Caputo

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