Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #8 - Steve Ditko art

Tales of the Mysterious Traveler v1 #8, 1958 - Two Steve Ditko stories grace this issue. In the first, a blind man helps an impossibly small fugitive, then suddenly regains his eyesight. The artwork is minimal for sure, perhaps giving readers a similar lack of visual information. Ditko's second tale is set in an orphanage high in the Bavarian alps. A blind orphan girl yearns to be adopted but settles for an imaginary friend for the time being. Ditko's art on both stories is distinctive but borders on simplistic. In the latter story, the characters seem unintentionally comical. This issue also includes artwork by Rocco Mastroserio and Paul Reinman. Cover by Mastroserio. This is 7 of 11 Tales of the Mysterious Traveler issues by Ditko
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"The Man Who Saw Again" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = **
The Vision Came" Ditko story pencils and inks 5 pages = **

Steve Ditko
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Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #8 - Steve Ditko art Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #8 - Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 10:28 AM Rating: 5

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