Donald Duck / Four Color v2 #199 - Carl Barks art & cover

Donald Duck Four Color Comics #199 - Carl Barks 1940s dell comic book cover art
Carl Barks
(Walt Disney's) Donald Duck v1 / Four Color v2 #199, 1948 - Driving through an old western town, Donald sees a reward for bringing in cattle rustlers. He's subsequently deputized and raring to go. Carl Barks is meticulous in depicting the various cowboy characters and the rocky terrain of the region. The locale is less exotic than pervious tales but no less well drawn. Barks' cover is a masterpiece, using the guns and bullet paths to radiate out from the focal point. There is a suggestion of purity as well as resolve in the face of danger. This is 9 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks.
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Barks cover pencils and inks = *****
nside front cover Barks pencils and inks (black and red duotone) = ***
"Sheriff of Bullet Valley" Barks story pencils and inks 32 pages = ****
Inside back cover Barks pencils and inks (black and red duotone) = ***
ack cover Barks pencils and inks = ***
Donald Duck / Four Color Comics v2 #199 - Carl Barks 1940s comic book page art
Carl Barks
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Donald Duck / Four Color v2 #199 - Carl Barks art & cover Donald Duck / Four Color v2 #199 - Carl Barks art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:10 PM Rating: 5

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