Sword of Sorcery #4 - Walt Simonson art

Sword of Sorcery #4
Sword of Sorcery v1 #4, 1973 - A short tale of Fafhrd the Barbarian's youth outshines the lead feature. Walt Simonson does his first complete story for this title, illustrating with great skill and sensitivity. Many of the scenes are lovingly detailed, almost textural in effect. The layouts are superbly designed, even with the relatively short page count. Among the highlights, the hero's confrontation with an enormous serpent is simply breathtaking. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Howard Chaykin. This is 2 of 3 Sword of Sorcery issues by Simonson.
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"The Prophecy" Simonson story pencils and inks 6 pages = *****

Walt Simonson
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Sword of Sorcery #4 - Walt Simonson art Sword of Sorcery #4 - Walt Simonson art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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